Other services
1. Assessments / Services
Green Career Consult can perform several tests by acknowledged psychologists, working together with reputable organisations (Meurs for instance). These psychologists work by NIP job code (Dutch Institute of Psychologists).
This way we can test whether a candidate is really suitable for certain functions. We also perform tests in the context of career orientation, potential determination or strengths and weaknesses analysis to show someone’s skills and development points. Both candidates as well as organisations can appeal for service. We use fixed prices!

2. Skilled work in outplacement / Clients
The search for a new job creates insecurities, but brings positive chances and perspectives. At the request of an employer or candidate we positively and motivatingly guide Agribusiness & Food professionals, who no longer fit in their current job or in the strategy of the company, to other more suitable jobs. For a company in Agribusiness & Food, that is quite unique!
Green Career Consult delivers skilled labour, knows the labour market for Agribusiness & Food professionals and looks back on a lot of successful transitions.

3. Outplacement / Candidates
Another job needed?
We guide experienced professionals in the Agribusiness & Food, who don’t fit in the current function or strategy of the company, to a matching job.
Sometimes an employer asks us to help with an outplacement project. However, it regularly happens that a candidate asks us to help with such a process, for example after being fired. Then there is a termination arrangement with a compensation.
Our approach
During an intake we discuss the candidate’s possibilities and wishes. We work according to a proven method that helps process the loss of a job and makes someone enthusiastic for a new working environment. Together we work on a search profile. After that we support the candidate in their applcation for a job. Our network and vacancies are available for the candidate during this process..